
Showing posts from March, 2023

The first post....answering a question!

 Okeydokes, I'm going to tackle your first question of the three prompts...mainly because the things I'm planning on implementing from this course haven't really been utilized yet so I don't have any feedback to give in that general direction, and the third question seemed very similar... So, talking about my growth! What have I learned, about technology specifically?  I guess my biggest takeaway is there is always more to learn! I feel fairly confident in my knowledge of Google tools because of how much I use them in my program already, but I've definitely learned about new aspects that can make things easier to utilize moving forward.  Specifically in Sheets and Docs, I have discovered new tools and tricks that can make it easier to organize information. The Table of Contents features, as well as the Headings, are going to make it significantly easier to navigate my student handbook in future years - which will be appreciated by students and parents!  I'm also